Welcome to Zion United Methodist Church

525 Krotzer Ave.
Luckey, OH 43443


Main Worship

Sunday Mornings | 9:45 am

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

About Our Church

The Zion United Methodist Church, Luckey Ohio, was founded in the early part of the year 1860 as the Evangelical Church. It was organized as the Jacob’s Class and kept that name until sometime later when it was named Salem Evangelical Church, under which the name was changed to Zion Evangelical Church, which has shaped the name the church now bears.

Upcoming Events

Coffee Hour

First Sunday of Every Month

Please join us before worship at 9:00 for light snacks and drinks.

Truth Seekers / Noisy Collection

Please join us for fellowship learning about God’s word following worship.

Elephant Ears

September 22-24, 2023

Enjoy a homemade elephant ear at our booth at the Luckey Fall Festival!

Give to the Church

Meet our Pastor

Leroy Sholey

Read the Spire

May 21, 2022

Greetings Friends of Zion: April was a very busy and Holy month for Zion. We had a great Palm Sunday service and a very moving Easter Service. The Continental Sunrise breakfast was well attended, (Thanks Connie Rutherford and helpers). It was such a treat to have a talented organ player like Carol Metcalf to enhance our singing. (Praise) Our Granddaughter Lily Haines was such a help on our Children’s Message as she helped me teach the kids “Lord I Lift Your Name on High” with all the motions, (great job Lily & all 15 kids), what a great testimony!

Chuckle Corner

May 2022

The passenger tapped the cab driver on the shoulder to ask him something. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the sidewalk, and stopped inches from a department store window.
For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, “Look mister, don’t ever do that again. You scared me half to death!”

The passenger apologized and said he didn’t realize that a little tap could scare him so much.
The driver replied, “You’re right. I’m sorry. Really, it’s not your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I’ve been driving a hearse for 25 years.”

Worship Services

February 12, 2023
February 5, 2023
January 29, 2023